
Holly Rodriguez (She/Her)

  • Director of Marketing and Communications
(804) 353-0094, ext. 221

Holly Rodriguez is an award-winning writer and communications strategist who thrives on creativity and authentic expression. Her professional work has included investigative reporting, designing public relations campaigns, social media marketing, and search engine optimization strategy. She is also a published poet and essayist who is a work in progress as a short story writer.

A native of Lynchburg, Va., she played violin from first to twelfth grade, dabbled in acting as a high school senior and was a radio D.J. at Virginia Commonwealth University, where she earned a degree in Mass Communications. Holly finds her morning cup of coffee sacred, likes to start the day with a sunrise at the beach as often as possible, and spends her time squeezing all of the joy she can out of life with her two kids, their temperamental cat, family and friends.