
Tapestry Frame Weaving

Learn to weave tapestry on a portable frame loom. Students will learn 2 different warping techniques for a sampler and a finished piece. This class teaches traditional tapestry techniques with an emphasis on experimental weaving. We will explore color hatching, joins, basic shape construction, eccentric weft, rya knots, and more! You will construct your own simple frame loom, which you can keep for future projects!

Special Notes

  • Accessibility notes: Many artmaking processes require the ability to sit or stand for extended periods of time, fine motor skills/finger dexterity, repetitive motions, vision, and some amount of physical strength. VisArts values making classes accessible to everyone, and is always happy to work with students to make accommodations when possible. Please reach out to [email protected] with specific questions related to accessibility or accommodations.
    Classes are confirmed one week prior to the start date. In order to help us confirm classes, please register as early as possible.

About the Instructor

Nicole Bunting

Nicole Bunting received her BFA in Craft and Material Studies with a concentration in fibers from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2014. She previously taught Introduction to Textiles and Intermediate Textiles as an Adjunct Faculty member at VCU. Nicole is the owner and sole instructor of Warped Fibers - a website dedicated to bringing weaving information to anyone and everyone. She is a weaver, paper artist, bookmaker, and printmaker. When not in her studio, Nicole likes to be out exploring and traveling. Her work is influenced by the formation of natural patterns and their correlation to the ongoing inner dialogue from her own journals.

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Tapestry Frame Weaving

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Class Details
May 4 - May 259:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Day: Sun
Tuition: $170.00
Member Tuition: $153.00
Additional fees apply
Instructor: Nicole Bunting
Level: Beginner