
Collage, Draw + Screenprint

Explore the screen-printing process combined with collage and drawing in this unique multimedia class. In this weekend workshop, we will begin by cutting and pasting magazine images into a collage. We will then hand trace the collage onto a transparent paper with an opaque paint pen. This transparent drawing will be used to expose the screen culminating in a unique printed image.

Special Notes

  • Accessibility notes: Many artmaking processes require the ability to sit or stand for extended periods of time, fine motor skills/finger dexterity, repetitive motions, vision, and some amount of physical strength. Washing a screen in the washout booth can be loud for those with sensitivities to sound. Screenprinting can be physically intensive. Usually requires standing and upper body strength to push ink through the screen. The printmaking studio is equipped with stools without backs for sitting. VisArts values making classes accessible to everyone, and is always happy to work with students to make accommodations when possible. Please reach out to [email protected] with specific questions related to accessibility or accommodations.
    Classes are confirmed one week prior to the start date. In order to help us confirm classes, please register as early as possible.

About the Instructor

Casha Stempniewicz

Casha Stempniewicz is an artist and educator based in RVA. They graduated from VCUarts in 2017 with a double BFA in Art Education and Painting + Printmaking. Their studio art practice resides in the blended world of drawing, painting, printmaking, and collage. Casha believes making art is an essential human experience. As a teacher, Casha encourages their students to quiet their self-doubts, to trust in their senses, to experiment, and to connect with their bodies and minds through hands on experiences. Since Casha’s teaching and artmaking practices inform and enhance each other, it makes sense for them to teach and create in the same space. Casha found this space in the Visual Arts Center of Richmond where they first became involved as a Printmaking Studio Monitor in 2019. Since then, Casha has been teaching through Vis Arts programs such as Artventure, Art After School, Art League, Second Fridays, and Engage Workshops.

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Collage, Draw + Screenprint

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Class Details
April 3 - April 246 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Day: Thu
Tuition: $170.00
Member Tuition: $153.00
Additional fees apply
Instructor: Casha Stempniewicz
Level: All Levels